Knowledge Base Article: KB3651
Topic: RadioSparx - Website Player, R-Box Pearl, RS-PLAY, and Playback Issues

Title: How to auto-start player on Linux Ubuntu

Last Reviewed: Aug 15, 2014

How to auto-start player on Linux Ubuntu

The following script sets the machine to auto-launch the site with the specified credentials with a 15 second delay to allow the system to establish network connectivity.  This must be dropped into the autostart folder to work:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=google-chrome http://(Domain)/default.cfm/u.(username)/p.(password)/schedule.true
Name[en_IE]=FluidMusic Player

Go to:  home\.config\autostart\ (to show the .config folder hit ctrl & h in the home folder.  The autostart folder may not be there already but you can get one to appear by opening startup apps and setting something up there and then going back to drop the file in…

You also need to make sure that the chrome session restores correctly after a reboot – this is done by going to: home\.config\google-chrome\Default and editing (text editor) the preferences file.  In here, do a search for “exited” (hit ctrl & f for find option) – when you see Exit Type = “Value” change the value e.g crashed to None and click save.  You then need to change the permissions on the file to “read only” so the system cant make any changes to it – right click the file, select permission and choose “Read Only” and click apply.

This should get you up and running!


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